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 Children Without Protection
Research study on children working in small and medium enterprises in Minya. January 2006. English & Arabic
 Girls at Risk
Research study on Female Circumcision in the villages on the East Bank of the Nile in Minya. February 2005. English & Arabic.
 Insecure Women
Research study on the situation of women in the villages on the East Bank of the Nile with regard to their everyday life, health conditions and the violence practiced against them. Published in 2006.
 Practicing Democracy


Final Evaluation report for "Practicing Democracy from the Village Up to the Capital" project . in 31 October  2010



Words of Beneficiaries

“Before I didn’t know how to get in touch with Government officials but now I know how to meet them and how talk to them about our problems” A fisherman in one of the rural Fishermen’s Associations/

Improving the Livelihood of Fisher Folk
