Who we are
About Blacd
Community Development and Human Rights
Development of Poor Communities
Preventing Female Genital Mutilation
Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation and Protecti
Think Twice
Water and Sanitation
Raising Awareness of HIVAIDS
Improving Housing
Supporting Democracy from the Village to the Capi
Improving the Livelihood of Fisher Folk
Past Projects
Where We Work
Booklets & Magazines
Documentary Films
New Dawn
Scream of a River
Media & Press
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BLACD in the news
How you can help
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Think Twice
BLACD is one of nine NGOs implementing the UNDP and Italian Cooperation sponsored project “Think Twice” in 7 Governorates in Egypt. Activities have been ongoing since 2005 and are coordinated through the Egyptian National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.
Teaching Children about Human Rights through Art
BLACD trained ten young volunteers from Minya on Human Rights, Children’s rights, photography, photoshop, theatre and puppet theatre. Together with the BLACD Think Twice project coordinator volunteers then thought of ways to use these skills to teach children about Human Rights. The team produced a board game, posters, stickers for school books, a puzzle, the booklet ”Know Your Rights” and prepared puppet theatres and plays all aimed at teaching children about their rights. Volunteers visit schools in surrounding villages and engage children in learning about human rights using the material they produced.
A Think Twice Volunteer explains about Human Rights
Words of Beneficiaries
“I have not been circumcised. I am like an uncut flower in full bloom” A girl saved from Female Genital Mutilation/
Preventing Female Genital Mutilation