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 Guidance Manual for Construction Work in Minya
Guidance Manual for construction work in Minya. Contains descriptions of how to implement the different building stages, technical construction criteria and the advantages of using environmental materials in building. For specialist in housing and construction, as well as local building workers. Published in 2006. Arabic
 Guidance Manual for Design Criteria and Approach
Guidance Manual describing the design criteria followed when building houses in villages and how to make suitable designs for rural communities. Published in 2006. Arabic
 Rights Based Development - Training Manual
Training Manual on the Rights Based Approach in Development. Published in 2008. Arabic
 Rights Based Development- Attachments to the Training Manual
Published in 2008. Attachments to the Training Manual on the Rights Based Approach in Development. Arabic

Words of Beneficiaries

“I have not been circumcised. I am like an uncut flower in full bloom” A girl saved from Female Genital Mutilation/

Preventing Female Genital Mutilation
