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 Women’s Participation in Elections
 The Benefits of Education for Women
 Women’s Political Participation
 Education is Enlightenment
 The Importance of Personal Hygiene
 The Importance of Food Hygiene
 The Importance of a Clean Bathroom
 The Rights of the Family to Secure and Proper Housing
 Incorrect Fishing Methods
 Pollution of the Nile
 Incorrect Fishing
 “Honor comes with a good upraising and education not through Female Genital Mutilation”
 “All religions are against Female Genital Mutilation”
 “From a medical standpoint Female Genital Mutilation is very harmful”
 No to Female Genital Mutilation
 The Importance of Taking a Break from Work
 The Benefit of Education
 Health Check-ups for Child Workers
 The Welfare of Child Workers
 Discrimination against Girls “I wish they treated me like my brother”
 The Right To proper housing
 The Right To proper housing
 The Right to Education
 Board game raising awareness about Human Rights prepared by BLACD volunteers.Arabic
 Stickers containing Human Rights messages. Prepared by BLACD volunteers
 fishermen project 's publications

Words of Beneficiaries

“We used to suffer a lot going back and forth to bring water to the house, but now we spend more time taking care of our children” A woman who received clean piped water to her house/

Water and Sanitation
