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Donation catalog

 The Gift of a Cow

The gift of cattle is virtually priceless for the poorest of the poor.
A cow brings economic opportunity and nutrition to families in need.
Most families that are granted a cow are female headed households.

 Cost for pregnant cow: $700 . Donate now


 Water for a Home

Many village homes in Egypt lack plumbing,
leaving the residents without clean water. Your donation will provide a
family with a connection to a clean water supply.

Cost: $200. Donate now

 Feed a Family for a Year

By giving families the opportunity to be well nourished, you are
helping to improve their health and ability to work, and the mental development
of their children.

 Cost: $375 per year. Donate now

 Sponsor a Senior Citizen
Unable to work and generate income, many senior citizens are
forced to live without proper nutrition, health care or other necessities.
Your gift will provide an elderly villager with essentials like food supplies
and medical care.
Cost: $75 per month.  Donate now

 Provide a Latrine

Simple, in floor latrines bring dignity, safety and better health to people
who would otherwise have to relieve themselves out of doors, which is unsafe
and spreads disease. Without a latrine in the home, women are forced to wait
until sundown.

Cost: $200. Donate now

 Needs for Senior Citizens

Your gift will supply a senior citizen with
basic items that are often lacking
in village homes: for example a bed,
a mattress, a simple cooking stove, etc.
Cost: $150Donate now

 Give the Gift of Reading
Empowering a person to read is a priceless gift. Women are especially affected by illiteracy, and are often unable to read documents they sign. A donation will give someone the opportunity to acquire a life-changing skill.
Annual cost per person: $59 Donate now

 Clothe a Child for a Year

Your gift will provide a basic summer and winter wardrobe for a child, including shoes, socks, training suits, t-shirts, trousers and a pullover.
Cost: $85 Donate now

 Sheep and Goats

Sheep and goats generate economic opportunities to extremely poor families. Through your gift, families are able to milk, use the wool and breed the animals. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Cost: $242Donate now

 Send a student to Vocational Training

Through your donations, people aged 18 to 35 who might not be able to attend formal training are equipped with training in a trade. Courses include hairdressing, plumbing, cooking, cell phone repair and many more.
Cost per student: $140 Donate now

Saving Children from Hazardous Work in Quarries


Saving Children from Hazardous Work in Quarries 

More than 3 000 of the 20 000 workers in Minya’s limestone quarries are children. Boys as young as 8 years old go up to the desert mountain to earn five dollars per day doing heavy and hazardous work in what has been defined as the most dangerous sector for children to be employed in. The relatively high salary and the need to support their families who survive at or below the poverty level attract children to the quarries despite a great aversion to the work. 

Children fear accidents which they see happening on a regular basis, sometimes with deadly outcomes, due to primitive machines and insufficient protective measures. The extremely bad work environment causes damages to children’s health which will deteriorate to the point that they have to stop working when they reach their mid-thirties. Children labor between 12-14 hours per day in the harsh weather conditions of the open desert. Access to water is limited to a few tanks which still contain remnants of the gasoline they used to carry. A small meal of Egyptian beans andtaamiyya does not provide sufficient nutrition for children to handle such physical and mental strain. Repeated accidents occur already on the way to work, as the cars arranged to transport children from their villages to the mountain, on roads not controlled by traffic police, are in such bad condition that they could not be used inside cities. 

The above circumstances remove the quarry child painfully far away from the world of a child enjoying its full rights to a happy, safe and healthy life, education and protection from exploitation.


Children working in quarries do not enjoy their full rights

Support BLACD’s efforts to prevent children from resorting to Quarry Work 

The founder of BLACD, Mr. Maher Boshra, was the first director of a civil society organization to care for these children by establishing the Wadi El-Nil Association for the Protection of Quarry Workers in 2000. Interventions have been implemented by the association to improve the health and living circumstances of quarry children and to liberate them from the dangerous work in the quarries. 

Activities include raising awareness of children and their families of children’s rights, providing vocational training to children to give them skills to work in unhazardous sectors, offering loans to families of child workers to start small income generating projects in order to prevent their children from seeking work in the quarries, supporting children’s school attendance, distributing games and organizing sport and leisure time activities for children to allow them to enjoy their right to play and rest, as well as providing medical check-ups and medicines to counteract and prevent diseases related to the eyes, throat, lungs and bones.  

To view a video clip about Children working in Quarries, please click here. 

Children are involved in various aspects of quarry work including arranging, carrying and loading lime stone bricks as well as grinding bricks into powder and packing limestone powder.


Your contribution makes a difference

The association has so far reached 800 of the 3000 children working in Minya’s quarries. Starting as of October 2008, BLACD is conducting an online campaign to raise funds to extend services to more quarry children. Your contribution will be used to improve the lives of children by paying for medical check-ups and medicines, educational activities, clothes and games, as well as vocational training for children aged 12-16 in non-hazardous sectors such as carpentry, electricity, refrigeration, and repair of engines and domestic machines. Letters of thank you from children will be sent to all contributors for you to know exactly how your contribution made a difference to a child’s life.   

The power of private companies to make a change

Believing in the importance of the participation and contribution of the private sector in creating a better life for all, we especially invite private companies to support our actions to liberate children from work in quarries. BLACD will give special visibility to private company contributors, including displaying company logo online and in banners and other related information material during celebrations and campaigns. 


Donate now



Words of Beneficiaries

“We used to suffer a lot going back and forth to bring water to the house, but now we spend more time taking care of our children” A woman who received clean piped water to her house/

Water and Sanitation
