admin posted on March 19, 2013 12:29
Pages to support the rights of the poor in Minya villages on Facebook
Minia – Better Life:
Better Life Association for Comprehensive Development in Minya supported a group of young villagers in which it operates to launch pages through social network website "Facebook", where the youth of these villages raise their issues and problems and try to find solutions to them across the pages. The youth implemented a number of opinion polls across the pages.
Two sets of young people in villages of Beni Ahmad and Nazlet Farajallah have launched pages on the social network website entitled "O people, where is my right" in Beni Ahmad and "I have the right to live" in the village of Nazlat Farajallah.
Nevin Saad, the Project Director of building the capacity of poor and marginalized groups, say that we work through the project to support and organize the poor to have access to their social and economic rights. The support of these active young groups comes out of our faith in positive youth cards in bringing about the change and in the important and effective role played by the Internet and social network websites currently.
It is worth mentioning that this is the first experiment to those villages so the Association has built the capacity of young people to design, set a goal and vision for the page, distribute roles, develop a charter work and the principles of the page where it was agreed by young people not to be subjected to political and religious issues aiming to discuss issues, problems and positives in the villages only
The young people continue their activity on pages where members exceeded two hundreds members of each page within a very short period.
The Association will communicate in supporting young people and spread the concept of the use of social media among the youth of the villages.